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Instructions for the VDE Editor:
VDE 1.6 (12 Dec 1990)
(c)1987-90, E. Meyer
Requires: Any 80x86 computer, including PC compatibles;
MS/PCDOS 2.x or above.
================================ CONTENTS ==================================
1. ABOUT VDE: A brief description; Copyright and Licensing.
A. Installation, Operating modes, Help.
B. Starting and ending an editing session.
C. Typing and correcting.
D. Moving the cursor.
E. The screen and windows.
F. Text formatting.
G. Searching and replacing.
H. Block operations.
I. Getting a printout.
J. Editing additional files.
K. What is a Macro?
3. GENERAL INFORMATION, alphabetically by topic:
Accessory programs, Compatibility with other word
processors, Directories, Error messages, File modes,
Memory, Multitasking, Prompts, Spelling checkers.
For detailed information on editing commands see the VDE.REF reference file.
For the use of the VINST installation utility see the VINST.REF file.
=============================== 1. ABOUT VDE ===============================
VDE is a small, fast, powerful text editor offering:
* easy menu-bar operation or WordStar-compatible command keys
* multiple files, windows, cut and paste
* block copy, move, delete, read, write, and zoom
* find and replace (options for backward, ignore case, with reformat)
* multiple-level undo to recover unintended deletions
* macros with full programming ability
* utilities to browse disk directories, split files, compare files,
count words, number lists automatically
* full DOS access: subdirectories, DOS commands, shell
* automatic disk save interval
* programmable function keys and many other user configurable options
* ability to run on NON-IBM compatibles, and in limited space
But VDE is also an efficient small word processor, with:
* left and right margins, wordwrap, (auto)reformat
* variable tabs, auto indent, centering, flush right
* right justification, proportional spacing modes
* page preview to check format and pagebreaks before printing
* customizable printer drivers for special effects (bold, underline,
italic, super/subscript, overstrike, pitch, font, etc)
* printing options: headers, pagination, selective print, print to file
* multiple file formats and text exchange (including plain ASCII,
WordStar, WordPerfect, XyWrite, NotaBene, Microsoft Word)
VDE's versatility is due to its combination of the most important word
processing features with the simplicity of an editor designed to work with
plain text files, making it an efficient tool for many different tasks. VDE's
pure ASCII mode makes it an ideal choice for a DOS file editor, or a practical
editor to run from a shell within telecom, database, file maintenance,
programming, and other application software. Yet its full formatting and
printing features also make VDE a powerful character-based word processor.
VDE is not a "desktop publisher": it handles text files, with no elaborate
calculations for font sizes, page dimensions, or layout. But you can print
your text using any variety of typestyles supported by your printer.
VDE is very fast; it edits files entirely in memory, and displays text
directly to video RAM (on IBM PCs). Speed is a factor that commercial
programs often overlook; VDE can find a string near the end of a 60k non-
document file about 40 times faster than WordStar 4. When you are free to
move around in your file with this speed, you can do more of your work
instantly on screen, and less on paper. VDE is also very small. Taking only
about 50k of disk space, and running in as little as 90 to 140k of RAM, it is
well suited to portable computers and other applications with limited memory
or disk space.
Any use or sale of VDE is governed by the "COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE"
information below. Please read this carefully!
The VDE package consists of nine disk files. Make sure you have them:
VDE.COM - The VDE editor itself.
VINST.COM - The installation and customization program.
VDE.DOC - This basic instruction file for VDE.
VDE.REF - The full Reference Guide for VDE.
VINST.REF - The Reference Guide for VINST.
VDExxx.UPD - Notes on new features in the latest versions of VDE/VINST.
WS4.VDF - Function key definitions for compatibility with WordStar.
WP.VDF - Function key definitions for compatibility with WordPerfect.
EXAMPLES.VDK - Several macro key definitions from the examples in VDE.REF.
The VDE editor and its documentation are copyright (c)1987-
90 Eric Meyer, all rights reserved worldwide. They may not
be circulated in any incomplete or modified form, nor sold
for profit, without written permission of the author. The
use or sale of VDE is subject to the following terms:
SITE LICENSES. Any individual, corporation, or institution wishing to use VDE
in the course of its business must purchase a SITE LICENSE. The cost of
the license is quite modest, and varies according to the number of
computers on which VDE may be in use in the workplace:
Up to 20 ..... $50 (US)
Up to 50 ..... $100
Up to 100 ..... $150
Up to 200 ..... $200
Over 200 ..... $200+
There are several benefits to the purchaser of a site license:
1. A copy of the latest version of VDE on disk direct
from the author. (Specify 5.25" 360k or 3.5" 720k disk.)
2. Full support. You may call or write the author with
any questions or problems you encounter in using VDE.
Future upgrades can be ordered on disk when desired.
3. No piracy worries. Your employees may use VDE at
home or share it with friends at no charge.
4. A warm feeling deep inside that you have done the
right thing, supporting high-quality, affordable software.
PERSONAL USE. Individuals at home may use freely use VDE and share it with
others; there is no required fee. If you like VDE and find it useful,
please consider sending a modest contribution. You may, of course, order
a site license if you want the disk and other benefits described above.
Otherwise, VDE is distributed widely through "shareware" channels,
including many software library services. If you want to be sure of
obtaining the LATEST version of VDE, and you have a modem, you can
download the archive file VDExxx.ZIP from one of the two primary
distribution points, where I post it myself:
(1) Glendale Littera QBBS - Glendale, CA (818)956-6164.
(2) On CompuServe, in download library 1 (DL1) of the IBMAPP forum.
In addition, VDE is available on a wide variety of other remote
systems, and by mail from many good software libraries, including:
The Public Software Library (800)242-4775
P.O. Box 35705, Houston TX 77235 (ask for disk #1933)
COMMERCIAL SALE. Any software dealer or library may offer VDE for sale, as
long as the price charged for the disk containing VDE does not exceed US
$6.00. With this single exception, the sale of VDE, either alone or
together with other software or hardware, requires a licensing agreement.
Please write for terms.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE VERSIONS. If you would like to know what foreign versions of
VDE are currently available, or if you are interested in collaborating to
produce and/or market such a version, please write.
Address all correspondence to the author:
Eric Meyer
3541 Smuggler Way CompuServe: [74415,1305]
Boulder, Colorado 80303 USA Internet: 74415.1305@compuserve.com
THE CUSTOMARY DISCLAIMER: You undertake to use VDE at
your own risk. The author assumes no liability for damages
of any kind resulting from the use of VDE.
=============================== 2. TUTORIAL ================================
This is a beginner's guide to the use of VDE, including the most common
and basic commands. Throughout, you will find ticklers like "(See SYNTAX)"
which lead you to a more complete description in the VDE.REF or VINST.REF
------------------ A. INSTALLATION, OPERATING MODES, HELP ------------------
Most users will have an IBM compatible computer, and can begin editing
with VDE straightaway. Before long, though, you should use the VINST program
to customize the display and many other options to your tastes. (Once you
have done this to your copy of VDE.COM, the welcome/copyright screen that
displays when you first enter VDE will no longer appear.)
However, if your computer is not 100% IBM-compatible, you should run
VINST immediately, and perform the computer installation before using VDE.
(In non-IBM mode, VDE will run on any MSDOS system with an ANSI.SYS driver.)
VDE operates by default in Command mode. If you want to get started
using the simplified menu system, you must change this with VINST (or remember
to use the Esc? command each time you enter VDE). You will eventually
discover the settings you prefer for the many other options and defaults, as
you become more familiar with VDE. [See VINST.REF for details. Comments
below in brackets "[]" point out various uses of VINST.]
VDE has two distinct modes of operation:
(1) MenuBar mode. (2) Command mode.
Command mode ultimately offers the greatest power, flexibility, and speed, but
it can take some time to learn the commands. MenuBar mode allows a user not
familiar with these commands to get started using VDE immediately, and will
appeal to those who are new to computers or word processing, who will use VDE
only occasionally, or who simply prefer not to memorize commands. Most VDE
commands will still work in MenuBar mode. (Esc-key commands must be accessed
via the {Misc:Escape} item, since [Esc] itself summons the MenuBar.)
If you see the message "Esc=MenuBar" at the right end of the header line,
you are in MenuBar mode. If this area is blank, you are in Command mode.
To switch into MenuBar mode from Command mode, use the Esc? command; to
switch to Command from MenuBar mode, select {Misc:Command mode} (Esc,M,C).
(1) MenuBar mode guides you straightforwardly to the functions you need.
Suppose you want to underline a string of text in your file. Just press
[Esc], and the main "menu bar" will appear:
Delete moVe Text stYle Set sCreen Print Block File Misc User Exit
Underlining is a matter of type "stYle", so type "Y" (the highlighted letter)
to bring up the style menu bar, which gives choices "Underline", "Bold", etc.
Finally, select "U" for underline; the code will be inserted in the text.
In the text below, MenuBar commands will be referred to in the following
manner: {stYle:Underline}
This designates selecting st"Y"le, then "U"nderline from the menu bar sequence
(you actually type Esc,Y,U). Most (though not all) of VDE's functions are
available from the menu bars. [Others can be added to the User menu bar.]
You can also begin learning the VDE command set in MenuBar mode, since
the standard commands (such as ^PS for underlining) also work.
(2) Control-key commands (WordStar compatible), although they do need to
be memorized, are more concise, and give access to the full range of VDE
features, including powerful macros. If you're familiar with the popular
WordStar command set already, you can probably start right in editing files
with VDE. It uses simple one- or two-key combinations, for example:
which means "Hold down [Alt] while pressing D", or
which means "Hold down [Ctrl] while pressing Q, then press C". Many of these
are mnemonic (^Q for Quick movements, etc), though some are not. Their
advantage is that all are easily found by the touch typist without distraction
-- no groping for function keys or mice interrupts the writing process. This
largely accounts for the continuing popularity of the WordStar word processor,
which (despite being a decade old) is still widely used throughout the world.
In addition to many WordStar-standard commands, VDE has a number of Alt-key
and Esc-key commands to invoke its additional features, such as multi-file
editing. (See COMMAND SUMMARY.)
ON-LINE HELP: You can get a brief reminder of the command set anytime you
like by pressing ^J or [F1] for help. A summary of the simple control-key
commands will appear; press A, E, K, O, P, or Q to display the Alt-key, Esc-
key, ^K, ^O, ^P, or ^Q-commands instead (or J to return to the original
screen). Once you have found the information you needed, press [Esc] or
[Space] to exit from the help menu.
THE MANUAL: if you need more extensive help while learning to use VDE,
turn to the manual (the three DOC and REF files). It is distributed on disk,
rather than in printed and bound form, for two reasons:
1. It's easier to search for help electronically than to flip through a
printed index. Simply edit the file with VDE and use the Find command to
locate the information you need instantly. I recommend, for example, loading
VDE.REF as an additional file along with your own writing work. Then, if you
can't recall, say, how to use auto indent mode, one keystroke can take you to
the manual to search for the phrase "auto indent".
2. It saves paper. Logging is destroying our last old-growth forests;
paper mills pollute rivers; waste paper is a principal component of refuse in
overburdened landfills. Not everyone will need or want a printed copy of the
manual. Of course, if you do, you can use VDE to print out any portion of it
that you desire, to have for reference at your desk.
---------------- B. STARTING AND ENDING AN EDITING SESSION -----------------
Let's suppose that you have VDE.COM in a directory called C:\EDIT. The
simplest way to run VDE is to type its name at the DOS prompt:
When you do this, you will be presented with a new (blank) file to write
in. Feel free to type in some text, use the arrow keys to move around, or
experiment with any of the commands described below.
If you already have a disk file that you would like to review or modify,
you simply need to provide its name, for example:
C:\EDIT>vde my.doc
or C:\EDIT>vde \autoexec.bat /n
In the first example, the file MY.DOC is found in the current directory
(C:\EDIT), and is loaded in the default file mode, which is "/A", or ASCII
document. ("ASCII" is actually an acronym for the numeric code system for
representing characters used by MSDOS; here, "an ASCII file" means a file
containing only these standard characters, as opposed to the proprietary
formats of many word processors.) In the second example, the file
AUTOEXEC.BAT is found in the ROOT directory of drive C: (note the "\"
preceding the filename), and the following option "/N" loads it as a NON-
document. You can also specify other files to edit concurrently, and key
definition or printer driver files to load (see SYNTAX).
VDE can edit many different types of files: non-documents, such as .BAT
files or program source code; or documents with formatted text, in either pure
ASCII or formats compatible with WordStar, WordPerfect, XyWrite, NotaBene,
Microsoft Word, and other word processors. (See FILE MODES, COMPATIBILITY.)
Maximum file size is roughly 80k (80,000 characters). If an existing file is
too large to edit with VDE, it can be divided up (see SPLITTING FILES).
VDE gives you an informative "header line" at the top of the screen,
including the file name, the current position (by page, line, and column), and
cryptic little "flags" showing the status of various editing options. (For
details see HEADER.) At times, further information may be provided below this
by various menus or error messages; press [Esc] or [Space] to remove these.
If any commands require user input, a "prompt" line (like "New value:") will
appear below the header.
You can change the name or file mode associated with your current work
(which is visible in the header) at any time with the command:
^KE or {File:rEname work}
(If you issue a command to save an "untitled" file to disk, VDE will
automatically prompt you to rename it first.)
It is important to understand that VDE works entirely IN MEMORY: nothing
happens to any disk files unless you issue a command, for example, to save
your work. There are several different commands to exit from VDE or to select
a new file to work on, but the two most basic ones are:
^KX or {Exit:eXit w/save}
and ^KQ or {Exit:Quit w/o save}
The first is the normal way to end your editing session; the second is also
available in case you decide, for example, that you've made mistakes and do
not wish them saved as modifications to the file you were working on. Both
commands will return you to the DOS prompt. (Others allow you to remain in
VDE to edit another file; see SAVE/EXIT.)
"Backup files" are a good way to guard against losing earlier work. When
you save your latest work on MY.DOC, the previous version of the file is not
lost: it is renamed MY.BAK. Thus, if you decide that the recent changes were
a mistake, you can recover the previous text from the BAK file. [If you
prefer to save disk space, you can choose not to preserve BAK files.]
------------------------- C. TYPING AND CORRECTING -------------------------
One source of potential confusion to new users of an editor concerns the
simplest operation: What happens when you type a character? Obviously, the
character will appear in your file, and the cursor will move right; but there
can be further effects as well. Check the header to see whether the "Ins"
flag is visible. If so, you are in "insert mode"; any text to the right will
be carried along unharmed ahead of the cursor. If not, you are in "overstrike
mode", and any characters typed will REPLACE existing ones. (There is yet a
third "word insert" mode; see INSERTING.) You can toggle from insert to
overstrike mode with the simple command:
^V or [Ins]
Some people like to use overstrike mode (which is most like a typewriter)
when writing a first draft, and insert mode when revising; others prefer to
remain in insert mode all the time. You will discover which suits your own
writing habits.
You will often need to correct mistakes, and the computer makes this very
easy. Besides simply overtyping, there are many commands to remove unwanted
text from the file (see DELETING). The most commonly used are:
^G, ^[BkSp], [Del], and [BkSp]
^G deletes one character at the cursor, while ^[BkSp] deletes the one before
it. The [Del] and [BkSp] keys can vary in their effects: by default, [Del]
deletes the character before the cursor, while [BkSp] simply moves the cursor
back without deleting, as in WordStar. [However, you can use VINST to change
this, so that [Del] deletes the character AT the cursor, or [BkSp] DELETES the
previous one, if you prefer.]
Another command, useful for deleting larger amounts of text, removes the
entire line that the cursor is on:
^Y or {Delete:del Line}
And finally, we can make mistakes even in correcting mistakes: you might
accidentally delete text that you wanted to keep. This is where the ability
to "undelete", or recover deleted text, comes in, with the command:
^U or {Delete:Undelete}
Use this command immediately after the deletion accident. If you deleted a
block, it will be replaced. If you were deleting lines, words, or characters,
or overtyping characters, you can press ^U repeatedly to recover each previous
deletion in order.
--------------------------- D. MOVING THE CURSOR ---------------------------
Obviously, you need to be able to move the cursor around, in order to add
or delete text at different places in the file. The simplest way is with the
"arrow keys" on the IBM keyboard (or the WordStar "cursor diamond"),
[^] [v] [<] [>] or ^E ^X ^S ^D
which will move the cursor (as you might expect) up, down, left, or right.
Notice that the cursor moves within the TEXT, not simply at will on the
SCREEN: if you move to the right past the end of a line, you will find
yourself at the start of the next. If you move up or down to a shorter line,
the cursor will wind up at the end of the line, not beyond it.
Remember that the screen is a window into the text, and that window can
be shifted at need. If you move the cursor beyond the edge of the display, it
will "scroll" (horizontally or vertically) to show the text you moved to.
Once you have a sizable amount of text, there are many further commands
to allow you to move around more rapidly (see MOVING AROUND). The most common
^F and ^A or ^[>] and ^[<]
to move the cursor back and forth an entire word at a time; and
^R and ^C or [PgUp] and [PgDn]
These commands move the cursor up and down through the text by about the
number of lines displayed on screen, causing the display to scroll one
screenful at a time. In addition,
^QR and ^QC or ^[Home] and ^[End]
may be used to move instantly to the top or the end of the file, respectively.
------------------------ E. THE SCREEN AND WINDOWS -------------------------
VDE normally presents you with a header line and a screen full of text,
24 lines of 80 columns. There are many things you can do to change the size
(on EGA/VGA systems) or appearance of this display, or to cause it to
"scroll", showing a different portion of the text (see SCREEN CONTROLS).
One command that can be helpful for aligning text is:
^OT or {User:Ruler} [unless changed]
This adds a "ruler line" below the header, indicating margins, tab stops, and
the current cursor position. (See RULER.)
If you think of the screen as a "window" into your text, you can imagine
splitting it in half and having windows into two different portions of text at
once. This is a very powerful tool for comparison, revision, and other
purposes (see WINDOWS). There are two commands to produce such a split
^OW [can be installed in {User} menubar]
and AltW or {sCreen:Window}
The first allows you to examine two areas of the SAME file at once; the second
shows you two DIFFERENT files. In either case, once you have two windows on
screen, the command:
AltF or {sCreen:Other win}
is used to move the cursor back and forth from one window to the other. (A
quasi-"cursor" remains in the inactive window to mark your place.) Like many
other VDE commands, the window commands are "toggles": if you want to get rid
of the split window, use the same command a second time to remove it.
--------------------------- F. TEXT FORMATTING -----------------------------
When producing a "document", you generally want the text to be formatted
in a certain way. ("Non-documents", then, are files in which characters must
remain exactly as you typed them, with varying numbers on each line -- usually
for the purpose of being read by some kind of computer program.) VDE has
several ways of accomplishing this, partially or fully automatically, while
you type. In addition, existing text can be instantly reformatted in a
variety of ways. (For full details see MARGINS, SPACING, JUSTIFICATION,
The fundamental thing, of course, is to keep the text within the desired
margins. The left and right margin columns can be set with the commands:
^OL, ^OR or {Text:margin L,R}
Typical margins are 1, 66 for pica type, or 1, 78 for elite; you can indent
the left margin if desired, and mix different formats in a single file.
This left margin command is ordinarily used only for indented text. To
specify the physical margin that should always be left at the edge of the
paper when printing, see the left margin setting in PRINTER INSTALLATION.
Once margins are set, WORDWRAP occurs automatically when your typing
passes beyond the margins. If you run past the end of the line, the word will
be moved to a new line. (Also, if you type outside of the left margin, the
word will be moved over within it.) If you need to type outside the current
margins, change them or RELEASE them with the command:
^OX or {Text:Mrgn rel}
Notice that wordwrap affects only the right end of the cursor line. When
changing existing text, you will often leave short or overlong lines,
disrupting the flow of the paragraph. There is a simple command to fix this:
^B or {Text:rEform}
This will cause the entire paragraph to be reformatted. Note that you can
also use this command after changing margins or spacing, to reshape the text
to the new format. The first line of a paragraph may be indented in any way
desired, and reformatting will preserve this.
If you prefer, however, VDE can make the reformatting process completely
automatic, with the command:
^OM or {Text:auto fmT}
When this is on, the "AF" flag appears in the header, and manual reformatting
is no longer necessary; VDE will continually reformat the text as you edit.
With auto format, you need to be a bit careful about mixing different
formats, since there will be a tendency for text to get reformatted to the
CURRENTLY set margins and spacing (whatever they are) whenever you modify it.
(If you goof and allow this to happen, simply reset things as they should have
been to restore the format before continuing.)
A different feature makes it easy to write neatly formatted lists or
outlines with VDE, without constantly having to change the left margin. Auto
Indent mode is entered with the command:
^OA or {Text:auto Indent}
You will see the "AI" flag in the header, and the behavior of wordwrap (and
the [Ret] key) will be changed in order to preserve the indentation and
structure of existing text. Each time the cursor wraps over to the next line,
it will indent automatically to match the previous line of text.
(Auto indent does work in non-documents as well; see AUTO INDENT.)
You may find it useful to know a little about how VDE handles text. Many
word processors store special hidden codes in a file at each point where a
change of format is desired, and calculate the result each time the text is to
be displayed or printed. VDE, however, uses no such codes; it actually
formats the text according to your request, and stores it that way in a simple
text file.
VDE's ability to reformat text in a document depends upon a subtle
distinction: when wordwrap occurs, a space is left at the end of the line,
which indicates that the CR (Carriage Return) is "SOFT", introduced (and later
removable) for formatting purposes. On the other hand, when you actually hit
[Ret] to end a paragraph, you get a CR with no preceding space, which means it
is "HARD", a permanent boundary for formatting the paragraph. Exercise care
when typing at the end of a line: you can change a hard CR into a soft one, or
vice versa, by deleting or adding a space at the end of the line.
(Note: this means that [Ret] is NOT a key to use simply to move downward
through the file. It will do that, but will harden all the CRs as well,
preventing future reformatting.)
---------------------- G. SEARCHING AND REPLACING --------------------------
One of the simplest, but most powerful, features of an editor is the
ability to find a given string of text in the file, and perhaps to replace it
with another. To find the next occurrence of a particular character or
phrase, type:
^QF or {moVe:Find}
You will be asked for the string to find (and any options desired); the cursor
will move to that location in the file. (You may instead see an error message
if the string cannot be found.) You will find yourself using this command
constantly, for example to look up information, or to move to a desired
location in the file.
Automatic replacement is also very convenient. Suppose you have prepared
a study of the usefulness of "wigets" in your business, only to discover that
the proper spelling is actually "widgets"; or written a memo to "John" which
should also be sent to "Mary". One simple command can make such changes:
^QA or {moVe:Replace}
You will be asked for the string to find, and then the string to replace it
with. The cursor will be placed in succession on each occurrence of the
string, starting at the cursor location. (You will see the prompt "Chg?" in
the header.) To change this instance, press "Y"; pressing "N" skips to the
next with no change. To change all further instances without being asked
individually, press "*" instead. [Esc] cancels at any time.
There are several options for find and replace; after you enter the text
string(s), you will be prompted to select them. Just press [Ret] again to
skip the options for now -- or, if you want to experiment, try one of these:
"B" = search Backward through the file, instead of forward.
"U" = case insensitive search - ignores case differences, so
"corp" will match "Corp", "CORP", etc.
For further details, see FIND/REPLACE.
If you want to continue the last find or replace operation without typing
the strings in all over again, you can use the simpler command:
^L or {moVe:rEpeat f/r}
This can be used, for example, to find the particular occurrence of a string
that you want.
--------------------------- H. BLOCK OPERATIONS ----------------------------
Editing often requires you to move or eliminate an entire "block" of
text, and VDE has a set of commands to allow you to do this easily. First, of
course, you have to "mark" the block, by defining its beginning and end. This
is done (in either order) with a pair of commands:
^KB, ^KK or {Block:Begin, End}
When the first marker is placed, you will see it as a bracket "{}" in the
text. When both are in place, the block is properly "marked", and its text
will also be shown in a contrasting color (on IBM compatibles). You are now
ready to operate on the block with a wide variety of commands (see BLOCK
The most common commands are to copy, move, or delete the block. Copying
is done by moving the cursor where you want the copy put, and using:
^KC or {Block:Copy}
An exact duplicate of the text within the block will appear at this location.
Moving the block is (similarly) done by moving the cursor where you want
the block put, and using:
^KV or {Block:Move}
Now the marked block itself is brought to the current location from its
previous one. Notice that the cursor must be located OUTSIDE the block for
either of these commands to work.
Finally, you can simply delete the block with the command:
^KY or {Delete:del Block}
(Of course, like all deletions, it can be recovered with ^U if need be.)
-------------------------- I. GETTING A PRINTOUT ---------------------------
Naturally, once you have finished a draft, you may want to see it on
paper. Printing is an extremely complex matter: different printers work in
different ways; page layout has to be chosen; various effects can be used to
emphasize portions of the text; and so on. But for your first attempt, after
turning your printer on, simply use the print command:
^KP or {Print:Print file}
There are many options available to select header text, number location,
certain portions of the file to print, and so on. (For details, see
PRINTING.) But for now, just ignore them all -- turn your printer on, press
[Ret], and see what happens! (If you don't like the results, or if it's a
long file and will take forever, simply press [Esc] to interrupt and cancel.)
The default "printer drivers" are IBM/EPSON and SIMPLE; the latter should
work on virtually any printer, but is not capable of many special effects.
The VINST utility can be used to change to a driver which will support the
full capabilities of your particular printer, or to customize any driver for
your preferred page layout (see PRINTER DRIVERS and INSTALLATION).
There are various "printer codes" that you can place in your file to
produce different effects. One that's particularly useful is:
^PL or {Print:Formfeed} - causes a page break at that location.
(Watch the page/line counts in the header as you do this; you will see that a
new page now begins there.)
In addition, two of the printer "toggles" will work with any printer
driver, including SIMPLE:
^PS or {stYle:Underline} - underline.
^PX - strikeout.
These toggles must be inserted pairwise, to mark the beginning and end of the
affected text; for example,
This is how you get ^PSunderlined^PS text.
Toggles display onscreen as a highlighted letter ("S", "X", etc). Similarly,
further effects such as boldface, italic, and super/subscripts, are possible
with more specialized printer drivers. (See PRINTER CODES.)
----------------------- J. EDITING ADDITIONAL FILES ------------------------
Another extremely powerful feature of VDE is its ability to edit several
files at once. This makes it easy to compare files, make consistent changes,
move text from one to another, and so on. (See MULTIPLE FILES and WINDOWS.)
Once you are editing with VDE, an additional file can be loaded (up to a
total of 8) with the command:
AltL or {File:Add file}
After doing this you will see the flag "+" in the header, to remind you that
more than one file is being edited. Think of these files waiting in line for
your attention; to bring a different file onto the screen (or current window),
use the commands:
AltB, AltN or {File:Prev, Next file}
to move back and forth through the sequence.
Several other commands are available when editing more than one file.
The cut and paste commands are especially useful:
AltC, AltP or {Block:cuT, Paste}
These are actually an alternative set of block copying commands, with the
added ability to move text from one file to another. The cut command copies a
marked block of text into an internal buffer (it isn't deleted from the file,
though you can use the block delete command if you like afterward). From then
on it can be inserted at will, into any file being edited, using the paste
--------------------------- K. WHAT IS A MACRO? ----------------------------
"Macros" are a sophisticated and powerful tool for automating repetitive
tasks -- but forget that for now, if it will help avoid the temptation to
think of them as a toy for computer-programmer types only. Any VDE user can
find something practical to do with them. Suppose you're writing a document
that will have different sets of margins in it -- say, 1 to 66 for ordinary
text, and 10 to 58 for indented text. You're going to wind up using the ^OL
and ^OR commands every time the margins have to change (and trying to remember
whether it was 58 and 66, or 56 and 68). Sounds pretty tedious... which is a
hint that there's a better way to do it, with a macro.
Each margin change would require you to type something like:
^O L 1 0 [Ret] ^O R 5 8 [Ret]
But you can define a macro that does exactly that, and then store it to a key
for use whenever you need it! So use the Macro Record command:
Esc "
(NOTE: if you were in MenuBar mode, the [Esc] called up the
menu bar! Select {Misc:Escape}, then type the quote (").)
The little quote flag will appear at the right side of the header. Now type
exactly that sequence of commands, ^OL10 [Ret] ^OR58 [Ret], while VDE is
recording them (be careful not to make any typos.) Then, to end, type Esc"
VDE asks "Use now or Store?" and you reply:
"S" (since you want to Store this to a key for later use)
VDE asks "Make Quiet, No-repeat?" and you reply:
"Q" (sounds nice, doesn't it? See MACROS to learn why)
VDE asks "Store to key:" and you press:
[F2] (for example)
You just defined a macro and stored it to a function key! Now every time
you press [F2] the margins will be instantly reset to 10, 58. Obviously you
could do the same thing for margins 1, 66, and store that on another key; and
you'd be all set to change from one set to the other with a single keystroke.
If you were going to be writing this sort of document all the time, you would
eventually want to use VINST to define those keys permanently in your copy of
VDE macros can get a lot more complicated than this... but the ones I use
most often myself are of exactly this simple sort. Now that the concept has
been demystified, here is a little more explanation:
A "macro" is a string of VDE commands and/or text that you can type in
once and then have repeated automatically. The "macro definition" command
Esc[ lets you type in such a string quickly and directly; the "macro record"
command Esc" memorizes the string while you use it as you normally would in
editing. A "function key" is a macro assigned to one of the [F1]...[F12]
function keys, while a "macro key" is a macro assigned to a key combination
Esc0...9 or EscA...Z; these can all be defined temporarily while editing, or
permanently with VINST. "Macro programming" involves the use of special
commands which perform more complex operations including loops, tests, and
jumps, much like a programming language. (See MACROS.)
Macros execute EXACTLY as though you had typed the given keys yourself;
this means that every keystroke, including answers to prompts, [Ret]s, and so
on, must be properly included, so plan ahead carefully, with pen and paper if
necessary. You can use a wide variety of commands, though for a start you
could experiment with text phrases and simple formatting changes.
VDE's 84 user-definable macros allow you to customize it for any task,
such as the formatting requirements of specialized professional writing, or
many programming languages. (See MACRO and FUNCTION KEYS.)
========================== 3. GENERAL INFORMATION ==========================
ACCESSORY PROGRAMS - A variety of other programs can be used together with
VDE to enhance its usefulness for particular applications.
VDE does not include a spelling checker or thesaurus; however, many
such programs (both commercial and shareware) can work with it. See
If you need sorting functions, from alphabetizing lists to
maintaining simple flatfile databases, various programs can be used,
including Michael Mefford's excellent free PCSORT utility (described in
the 27 Nov 1990 issue of PC Magazine).
For academic and technical writing, I have a footnote/endnote
formatting utility for WordStar files that could easily be adapted for use
with VDE. Please write if you are interested.
A variety of accessory programs have been developed for VDE by other
authors. They are available through shareware channels, including
CompuServe and Glendale QBBS. Their mention here constitutes no guarantee
or obligation by the author of VDE:
VDE-ED (by Patrick Swayne) is an operating "shell" that adds a number of
features to VDE, including on-screen display of function key labels.
VDE-MC (by Evan Slawson) is a utility for macro/function key definition
files that translates them from the unreadable .VDK/.VDF format used
by VDE and VINST, to an easily read and edited text file (and back).
VDE-BC (by Ed Keefe) is a set of key definitions to produce Big Characters
(3 lines high) and interesting graphic borders in VDE files.
VDE-SP (by Fred Haines) is a set of key definitions designed to make VDE
a word processor dedicated to writing stage or screen scripts.
RJ (by Tom Kallal) is a utility that can right-justify any text file
before printing. This could be convenient for those who want right-
justified printouts without formatting their text that way in VDE.
COMPATIBILITY - VDE is "compatible", to various degrees, with many other word
processors, including WordStar, WordPerfect, XyWrite, NotaBene, and
Microsoft Word, and can be a handy accessory for users of these programs.
VDE also allows the use of standard ASCII text files, which can be used by
virtually all software. (See also FILE MODES.)
ASCII - Standard ASCII text files produced by many programs can be
edited by VDE in /A, /U, or /N file mode. However, these files usually do
not follow VDE's text formatting conventions, so they will probably appear
to be full of hard CRs, and therefore impossible to reformat. There are
two easy ways to solve this problem: first, you can use ^QA to find "^M"s
and selectively replace them with "_^M". But the best method is to use a
macro program (this is one of the definitions in EXAMPLES.VDK, and
described under MACRO PROGRAMMING.)
WORDSTAR - Highly compatible. /W file mode supports all WS version 3
and 4 features. /5 file mode also removes all the additional WS 5
embedded codes (fonts, notes, etc) not supported in VDE. With these
exceptions, document files can be exchanged freely between VDE and WS.
VDE's operation will seem very familiar to a WordStar user. There is
no "No-File" menu; some WS commands are lacking; and VDE has new ones of
its own. VDE's macro commands are completely different (they were
developed before WS had macros!). Aside from that, there are small
differences in other commands, including indenting and place marks.
Note that VDE does not obey WS "dot commands" in text, though in /W
or /5 mode it will avoid printing them.
WORDPERFECT - Limited compatibility. /P file mode READS files
created by WP versions 4 or 5; it recognizes margin changes, and print
codes for bold, underline, super/subscript, and overstrike. Formatting
features not supported will be removed. /P mode WRITES files that can be
read by WP as native text.
You can also edit in VDE using a command set much like WordPerfect's,
by using the WP.VDF key definition file. It causes the [F]-keys to call
up the MenuBar in a manner similar to WP's command structure.
XYWRITE/NOTABENE - Limited compatibility. /X mode READS files
created by XW/NB; it recognizes margin changes, and print codes for bold,
underline, and italics. Formatting features not supported will be
removed. /X mode WRITES files that can be read by XW as native text.
(Note: /U mode can also be used to read XW/NB files without processing or
filtering out formatting codes.)
MICROSOFT WORD - Limited compatibility. /M mode READS files created
by MSW version 5; it does not support any print effects or formatting
features. /M mode WRITES text that can be read by MSW as native text.
NOTE: /P, /X, and /M modes are intended for simple,
convenient exchange of text, with a limited set of print
effects. Users with more demanding requirements for file
compatibility and translation should investigate commercial
programs such as Software Bridge or Word for Word.
DIRECTORIES - When editing with VDE, the default directory assumed by the
file commands (^KL,^KR,^KE,^KF,^KJ; AltL) is that of the current file;
when editing multiple files, this can differ from one to the next. The
directory does not display in the header, but can be seen with ^KI or at
the ^KF prompt.
The current DOS directory remains unchanged, and it is the default
when using the AltR command. (It can be changed with CHDIR under AltR.)
VDE will return to this directory when exiting.
ERROR MESSAGES - Press [Esc] or [Space] to continue.
"Error" - invalid data entered, or inappropriate command.
"Invalid Key" - an illegal command key sequence was pressed.
"Invalid Name/Path" - file not read/written because path does not exist,
or filename is a duplicate, or excluded type.
"No File" - file not found.
"I/O Error" - read or write error, disk full, invalid drive, etc.
"Format Error" - word too long, or margins invalid.
"Not Found" - the object of a search was not found.
"Block Error" - there is no marked block (or the cursor is in it).
"Macro Error" - programming command misused, or recording overflow.
"Graphics Overflow" - too many graphics in file to fit in table.
"File Near Full" - this file has less than 1K memory free for editing.
"Out of Memory" - file, block, or string won't fit in available memory.
IMPORTANT NOTE: On DOS version 2.x systems, an attempt to access an
empty disk drive or to print when the printer is not online can produce a
critical error message directly from DOS, something like:
"Device not ready; Ignore, Retry, or Abort?"
If this should happen, correct the situation and press "R" for Retry.
Pressing "I" usually has no effect. DO NOT PRESS "A", as this will exit
from VDE back to DOS, losing all text in memory!
If, after recovering from such an error, the message is still on
screen, you can press ^OZ,Esc to redisplay your text.
FILE MODES - VDE has eight "file modes": "A"SCII, "W"ordStar, WordStar "5",
Word"P"erfect, "X"yWrite, "M"icrosoft Word, or "U"nformatted document, and
"N"on-document. In general, the document modes all have wordwrap and
pagination, and default to variable tabs; non-documents (/N) do not have
wordwrap or pagination, and default to hard tabs.
The file mode option can be specified along with the filename at any
VDE file function prompt (such as "Read in file:"), allowing you to read
or write text in whatever format needed. [The default mode is /A, but
this can be changed, and exceptions declared, with VINST.]
Most VDE users will select /A mode for documents (word processing,
with formatted text) or /N mode for nondocuments -- programming and other
special applications. There is also /U mode, which writes a document
without any carriage returns except at the ends of paragraphs, a format
used by some other software. These three modes use plain ASCII text,
which is produced or accepted by virtually all software (DOS, compilers,
database, telcom, etc).
The /W, /5, /P, /X, and /M modes allow VDE to read and write WordStar
3/4, WordStar 5, WordPerfect, XyWrite or NotaBene, and Microsoft Word
files (see COMPATIBILITY).
CONVERSION: You can easily use VDE to mix text from several
different formats, or to convert a file from one format into another.
Just specify the appropriate mode with each file loaded or read in, or
change to the appropriate mode (with ^KE) before saving. (Note limits on
supported features in each format.)
MEMORY - VDE allocates memory for each file according to need, up to a
maximum of 64k. (1k = 1024 bytes.) Due to the use of a compression
technique, the largest file that can be edited with VDE is roughly 80k.
VDE works well with anywhere from 128k to 640k RAM; the number and
size of files you can edit depends on the amount of memory you have free.
(VDE does not use extended memory.) If you are running short of memory
while editing, try exiting files you no longer need, or cutting (AltC) an
empty block to empty the cut buffer.
Running a DOS command requires enough free memory (beyond VDE's
usage) to load a copy of COMMAND.COM and any programs you intend to run
under it. You may not have enough memory to do this if you are already
running VDE in a shell from another program, or are editing many files
with VDE, or have lots of memory-resident software (TSRs).
MULTITASKING - VDE should be compatible with multitasking environments,
including DesqView. In order for VDE to run properly in a DesqView
window, you must identify it as a "program that writes directly to the
PROMPTS - First, VDE has several simple prompts requiring you to confirm an
action by typing "Y" or "N". These warning messages appear on line 1
(though they are NOT given when a macro is running):
"Abandon changes?" - a file you want to quit has been changed.
"Unchanged; save?" - a file you want saved hasn't been changed.
"File exists; overwrite?" - such a file already exists and will be lost.
"Not recoverable; delete?" - not enough memory to save block for undeletion.
These confirmation prompts appear at the right edge of the header:
"Chg?" - change this instance of a string? (Y/N/*)
"Rdy" - press a key to print next page (Esc quits).
There are a number of standard prompts for either numeric or string input,
like "Column:" or "Find string:". The following control keys operate:
Correct error: [BkSp] (^H)
Finish entry: [Ret] (^M) or ^J
Replay last filename: ^R (except Esc[ command)
Erase entire entry: ^X
Abort operation: [Esc] (except Esc[ command) or ^U
Note that to get any of these codes into the string itself, you must
precede it with ^P (this includes ^P).
EXAMPLE: to find a line beginning with a "*" (find "^M,*") type
^QF ^P[Ret] * [Ret].
Graphics can also be entered into strings using Alt-G.
SPELLING CHECKERS. VDE will work with many commercial and shareware spelling
checker/thesaurus packages, including Webster's Professional, Borland's
Turbo Lightning, and Share Spell. Such programs can interface with VDE in
one of two ways:
(1) The program may be loaded as a TSR (resident program) before
running VDE; you then activate it with a "hot key" while editing in VDE,
and it causes VDE to scroll through the file, reading the text directly
from the screen. (For Turbo Lightning, and probably other programs as
well, follow the instructions for use with WordStar.)
(2) The program may work in a stand-alone mode (at the DOS prompt),
taking the name of your text file as an argument. In this case you need
to save your file to disk, then either exit VDE or use the Alt-R command
to run the program, giving it the name of the disk file to check. You
need to make sure the file is in the format expected by the program; if in
doubt, ASCII (/A mode) is probably best.
===================== 4. REVIEWS / ABOUT THE AUTHOR ========================
Here's a sampling of what REVIEWERS have had to say recently about VDE:
"VDE is a word-processing program for people who like
their programs lean, mean and simple... executes all the
standard operations necessary for writing articles, books
or screenplays... blazingly fast... Even the loading and
storing of files is speedy."
- Paul Ciotti, Los Angeles Times Magazine (18 March 1990)
"This may be the finest piece of word processing code
ever written. I have never been as impressed with anything
as I have with VDE 1.5... writing software in 100 percent
assembly language still pays off in performance and reduced
code size. It's an astonishing product, believe me. It's
more than the perfect laptop word processor. Actually,
it's something that corporations should consider if they
want to save tens of thousands of dollars... I cannot give
a higher recommendation for any product that I have seen in
ten years than I can for VDE 1.5. Top recommendation."
- John Dvorak, PC Magazine (24 April 1990)
"What fascinated Dvorak was not just the astonishing
functionality achieved with very little programming code,
but also the attitude -- and implications -- of the author
who circulated it freely asking only for a modest sum for
site licenses from corporate users. VDE is an amazing
wordprocessor, offering almost everything except the layout
and document processing features found in far fatter
programs... it supports the old WordStar command set...
ergonomically the most efficient I've ever learned."
- Colin Brace, Language Technology/Electric Word
(July/August 1990)
ERIC MEYER has an A.B. in physics and a Ph.D. in history and philosophy
of science, and has taught at the Universities of Indiana and Oklahoma. He
has a longstanding interest in computers, and has dabbled in programming in
HP-41, BASIC, FORTRAN, APL, LISP, C, and Z80 assembler; lately he has been
writing utilities in 8086 assembler for the IBM PC. In a period of escalating
software complexity and retail prices, he still believes it is important that
useful, inexpensive software remain available to computer users worldwide.